The Research Liberation Front was founded in 2006 by Beverly Clarke, Douglas Dunn, Fiona Blades, John Griffiths, Lee McEwan, Simon Blythe, Stephen Phillips and Surinder Siama.

It started because of a common belief that someone needs to do something about the old, established and out of date methodologies that are still in use today. We believe there is not enough focus on communicating insight. We believe that senior executives are not being engaged. The marketing world has changed. The media environment has been transformed. Consumers are becoming more sophisticated.

Surely there are others who are asking, ‘If the world's moved on, shouldn't research?'

The short term aim of the Research Liberation Front is to create a movement for change, give research a make over and to put an end forever to bland research. To encourage experimentation (unlike the Animal Liberation Front which are against it).

Since 2006, other great companies like Brainjuicer have joined the Research Liberation Front and have hosted events, such as the 2011 Big Speak Easy in New York.

Set research free!